Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Puritan Development of Capitalism

             John Winthrop's A Model Of Christian Charity says: "God Almighty in His most holy and wise providence, hath so disposed of the condition of mankind, as in all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity; others mean and in subjection." Although this statement completely contradicts with the part of the Declaration of Independence, that says: All men are created equal, it became a huge part of the American Culture we enjoy today.  This statement became the basis of what capitalism is in America.

             In 1630 John Winthrop lead hundreds of people to New England to colonize Massachusetts Bay.  Winthrop and the colonists endured extreme hardship throughout their time in Massachusetts Bay.  There was a lack of food, lack of warmth, and at sometimes a lack of hope in this colony.  But governor Winthrop had ambitious aspirations for his colony.  He used A Model of Christian Charity as  a "blueprint" for the colony to follow. (Vowell, P.45)  He also utilized the "shining city upon a hill" as the goal the colonists should strive to achieve.  To achieve these aspirations Winthrop and the colonists endured unending, strenuous labor.

             This "tireless labor and ambition" that the Puritans displayed became known as "Protestant work ethic". (Vowell, P.44)  The Protestant work ethic combined with the motivation Winthrop gave from A Model of Christian Charity and The Shining City Upon a Hill developed into what we know today as the American Dream or capitalism.  The Puritan and Protestants ambitious, laborious cultures became the roots of current American culture.  The Puritans are a very significant part of the reason the whole world views America as a place where a person can start at the bottom and make his/her way to the top.  America is viewed as a country where work ethic has a huge impact on how successful a person can be.
            Without the powerful influence the Puritans contributed to American society, the American dream would likely not be as pervasive as it is today.  America would not be admired as a place where people can move from the bottom to the top of the social hierarchy.  America would be an entirely different place.                     


"A Shining City Upon a Hill"

"A Shining City Upon a Hill"

            Throughout The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell, John Winthrop mentions "a city upon a hill". In the 1600s, Winthrop believed that America was chosen above all other nations by god to be the most shining/prosperous nation in the world.  Winthrop wanted America to be a brilliant place for the rest of the world to see.  He wanted all other nations to observe America as a perfect model to strive for.  He wanted other countries to view America as a shining city upon a hill.  

             About 400 years later, John Winthrop's dream came true.  America burgeoned into the most  successful country in the world.  There was no other country quite like America at this time.  People from around the world began to view America as a shining city upon hill.  They admired America for its freedom of religion, for its freedom of race, for its freedom of essentially anything.  America also became loved for its democracy.  The first stages of democracy were also developed during John Winthrop's time as governor in Massachusetts. People from other nations thought America was the best place anyone could possibly live. America was essentially viewed by almost all other countries as a free, prosperous, and kind country.             

             In the past 20 years, America has slowly begun to lose its admirable qualities of a shining city upon a hill.  One reason people have stopped seeing America as the greatest nation in the world is because of America's foreign policy.  America has engaged in wars over the past 20 years for few, if any valid reasons, including the war in Iraq.  As mentioned in The Wordy Shipmates, Abu Ghraib was a penitentiary for Iraqi prisoners.  Iraqi prisoners were raped, tortured, and killed in this prison.  One of the prisoners, "Ameen Saeed al-Sheikh told the Washington post that he was tortured and ordered to denounce Islam.  And after his leg was broken one of his torturers started hitting it while ordering him to curse Islam..."(Vowell) How could a country known to embrace religious freedom be involved in any cruel, savage action like this. America has also developed its use of drones to kill criminals in other countries.  The drones have often killed entire villages of people just to kill one person. How could America, the "shining city upon a hill" be responsible for such inhuman, evil actions.  

           John Winthrop dreamed of America becoming a shining city upon a hill, and his dream came true.  But if America is going to stay one of the most brilliant and admired places on the planet, something must change.